The purpose of the talk is to introduce the usage of BPM in customs, logistics, and operations, where opportune actions reflect in the bottom line results of the organization.
We will:
Explore how the Turbaduana controls the customs process for vessel cargo imports and exports using BPM.
Demonstrate how the organization utilizes the ECM capabilities built into every version of IBM BPM to share documents over the life span of their export processes.
Expose how the usage of monitoring and escalation of events in BPM can bring oversight, control and substantial financial benefits to logistics organizations that have relationships with government agencies that impose costly fines when actions are not executed on time.
Please join us, we’ll have a good time and learn from each other’s experiences!
If you want to talk to us about BPM in Logistics, Customs or Operations in Las Vegas during IBM InterConnect 2017,
please schedule some time with our team by selecting the option below. We’ll do our best to meet with you.
Agencia Marítima Turbaduana S.A.S.
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